Wow. Here's a shock. Hillary's decided that the rules don't apply to her.
  • The latest battle royale among Democrats is over whether or not two big states that went for Hillary Rodham Clinton have a say at the convention.

    With Clinton running neck and neck with Sen. Barack Obama in delegates, the race could be affected by whether party officials allow any delegates to be seated from Florida and Michigan.

    Both states were stripped of their delegates by the Democratic National Committee because, defying its orders, they scheduled their primaries early.

    Clinton won both January contests and thinks the states should be represented at the convention.

    But Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan, and didn't compete in Florida - and many of his supporters say he'll be unfairly penalized if Clinton is awarded delegates from those states.

    There doesn't appear to be any easy way out of the mess.

    "If it appears that Obama has been denied in any way, it could be a disaster for Democrats - the party will have real trouble going forward," said Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf.

    While the party has said Michigan and Florida have the option of holding new races, officials in both states have said no. That means, according to party officials, their only current option is to wait for a DNC "rules" committee that meets in July to decide what to do.

    More than two dozen states are still to vote.