Originally Posted By: whomod

Renzi is a close ally of McCain’s, of course– birds of a feather–

Hold on, if that's your standard I think you had better talk to MEM about that guy that Obama has been hanging out with (Rezko or something). MEM has been playing the "birds of a feather" card against Obama over that guy.

then we learned about his ethically dubious relationship with a young, attractive female lobbyist

Geez, not even the New York Times called the relationship "ethically dubious", did they? And all sorts of people have come out to discredit the story in any event.

then we learned that Muqtada al-Sadr essentially controls the fate of Iraq when he (thankfully) agreed to continue abiding by the cease-fire.

Um, yeah....and....? How is this tied to McCain other than in your dreams?

Should make for a fun eight months

Yeah, eight months of you getting pwned, quitting the board, coming back with an alt, getting outed, getting pwed, quitting, etc....