Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
I remember when Altamont happened.

My mom said, " See? All they do at those rock and roll concerts is kill people."

My response: " You voted for Nixon. He'll kill a LOT more people by sending them off to Vietnam."

I think that was a pretty sharp response for a 12 yr old.


That's funny. I thought it was the South Vietnamese who were gunning down and torturing our soldiers.

Yes, but Nixon should have known that the South Vietnamese were going to gun them down and torture them and not sent them there.

I don't do drugs, because I am drugs!-Salvador Dali

Master's Wife: The child is a female. She must not be destroyed. She will grow up to be a woman.
Joel: Oh, is that how that works!

Wednesday-I will make for you a brother. He will be Jason Jr.