Originally Posted By: the G-man
So, by that logic, if John McCain was meeting with a bunch of Southerners and put on a Confederate Flag lapel pin, people wouldn't criticize him for it?

Oh, of course people WILL criticize him for it. Some people are nit-picky bastards who criticize people for liking the wrong kind of toppings on their pizza. The untold story of how Eugene McCarthy lost his bid to become president has to do with the pepperoni lobby making some phone calls and mailing out fliers that McCarthy was a closet vegetarian who wanted to outlaw putting pepperoni on pizza, and it mushroomed into this whole big debacle for McCarthy.

Whether people are right to slam McCain for wearing the lapel pin or what exactly the Confederate Flag represents are different questions.

This is not vengeance. This is pun-ishment.

"The goodness of the true pun is in the direct ratio of its intolerability." — Edgar Allan Poe