Team Hillary Offers Their Talking Points on the Obama Photo
  • This morning, the Drudge Report claimed that the Clinton campaign was supposedly circulating a photo of Barack Obama wearing traditional Somali clothing. Below is Q&A on this issue and an excerpt from an interview that Obama supporter, Gov. Janet Napolitano, gave to CNN this afternoon.

    Q: In the campaign’s official statement today Maggie Williams does not directly respond to whether the Clinton campaign circulated this picture. Do you know whether anyone in your camp circulated this picture?

    A: No. I was not aware of it, the campaign didn’t sanction it and did not know anything about it.

    Q: Have you asked all of the campaign staff about this?

    A: We have over 700 people on this campaign and I’m not in a position to know what each one of them may or may not have done.

    Have you actually seen the email the campaign is supposedly circulating? If you do see it, let me know.

    For now, all we know is that the Drudge Report mentions an e-mail, but you haven’t seen it and to date, it’s not clear whether this e-mail even exists.

    Q: Are you going to make any effort to question the staff about whether anybody actually sent out an e-mail like that?

    A: I’m not in the position to ask 700 people to come in and answer questions about it. To put this as clearly and simply as I can: I was not aware of it, the campaign didn’t sanction it and did not know anything about it.