Originally Posted By: whomod

John McCain’s attempted politically motivated gaming of the public financing system is already drawing the attention of the Federal Elections Commission, with the chairman of the FEC firing off a letter to McCain’s presidential campaign asking them to explain why, after they had been certified to become a part of the program, they believe they’re able to pull out without approval. Now the Democratic National Committee is joining in the act, and will file an FEC complaint against the McCain campaign.

The Washington Post:
John McCain's cash-strapped campaign borrowed $1 million from a Bethesda bank two weeks before the New Hampshire primary by pledging to enter the public financing system if his bid for the presidency faltered, newly disclosed records show.

The crucial issue here is John McCain’s integrity. John McCain poses as a reformer but he seems to think reforms apply to everyone else but him… His latest attempt to ignore the law is just more of his do as I say, not as I do hypocrisy and it calls his credibility into question. McCain financially benefited by accepting this agreement; he got free ballot access, saving him millions of dollars, and he secured a $4 million loan to keep his campaign afloat by using public financing as collateral. He should be held to the law.

The DNC has filed its complaint today.

More than this, his campaign also got free ballot access, worth millions of dollars, because of his public financing. But now — after he’s received all this financial help — he wants to unilaterally withdraw from the program.

This is about more than spending limits and the FEC; this is a question of integrity.

Here’s the pdf of the complaint also.

It's a shame some Republicans are still on yesterdays news and trying to bury the ever expanding story by simply trying to contain it as a story about a sexual affair. It's always been about inappropriate relationships with lobbyists and questionable judgement and ethics.

You should see if Drudge has any coverage about this. It's a source G-man respects

Fair play!