Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I surprised he didn't go back and edit those posts like he did with his "we will never catch Saddam" not-so epic take........................

He might have if I hadn't found them first. Maybe I oughtta get some screen caps just to be sure. ;\)

G-Man, i fail to see how McCain's dwindling stock has anything to do with past admiration. Ever since the election, he's tried to embrace the far right and their idiotic stances in stark contrast to the McCain of years past. All in trying to pander to them and win their support. So oooooh, 'whomod used to admire him'. So frickin what? A lot of people used to. Then they saw McCain who'll do anything, say anything to win. McCain who wants to stay in Iraq 100 years in order to appease the dwindling minority of people who live in some alternate reality, that actually think this is a winning position.