Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Report: Lewis to Endorse Obama

1 hour ago

[list]WASHINGTON (AP) — Civil rights leader John Lewis has dropped his support for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid in favor of Barack Obama, according to a newspaper report Wednesday.

Lewis, a Democratic congressman from Atlanta, is the most prominent black leader to defect from Clinton's campaign in the face of near-majority black support for Obama in recent voting. He also is a superdelegate who gets a vote at this summer's national convention in Denver.

"It's been a long, hard difficult struggle to come to where I am," Lewis told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an interview. "But when I am, as a superdelegate, I plan to cast my vote at the convention for Barack Obama."

Lewis' constituents supported Obama roughly 3-to-1 in Georgia's Feb. 5 primary. His endorsement had been a coveted prize among the Democratic candidates thanks to his standing as one of the last major civil rights leaders of the 1960s.

So he actually thinks Clinton would be the better candidate personally but since his constituents like Obama more he's switching his support?

Sen. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota endorsed Obama on Wednesday, citing his record on trade.

"Senator Obama has never felt ... that NAFTA was good for America," Dorgan said in a campaign conference call with reporters.

Dorgan said Obama has supported key trade issues. "He and I feel the same way. We both believe in trade and plenty of it. We just insist it that it be fair to our country — the rules be fair."

Does Obama actually have much of a record on trade? I'm also pretty sure that all the candidates believe in & are for trade with fair rules to our country.

Fair play!