Some African-American superdelegates who support Hillary Clinton are reporting threats and intimidation from people wanting them to switch to Barack Obama.
Pressure on black superdelegates has intensified since civil rights icon John Lewis switched his allegiance from Clinton to Obama earlier this week.
Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II tells The Politico some superdelegates are receiving what he called nasty letters and phone calls, along with threats that they'll now be opposed by other Democrats in reelection bids. Cleaver says some even report being called an "Uncle Tom."
Adding — "This is the politics of the 1950's. A lot of members are experiencing a lot of ugly stuff. They're not going to talk about it, but it's happening."
California Congresswoman Diane Watson reports she also has received threatening mail — but says she would rather lose her seat than violate her principles. She says she cannot switch her vote simply because Obama is black.

This would be a good time for Obama to maybe step in & say something but since this is helping him I doubt we'll see it.

Fair play!