Well you're conflating those who choose to believe the rights smears, which is mainly the rights willing audience, with most people in general, who as poll after poll show, are not the same people. As it stands now, those people constitute about 1/4 of the public. And they're going to believe this sort of crap and then either willingly or unwittingly spread it to others who may not be politically attuned and trust their friend, relative co-worker, brother/sister at church etc.. as telling them something factual and true. As was the case with that church lady video I posted earlier.

Now despite the pictures, despite Limbaugh and his fellow right winger talk radio peers spreading this stuff and yes, despite Hillary Clinton, Obama continues to enjoy momentum. So I don't think MOST people are falling for this stuff. Still there is a small percentage of people who either directly or thru word of mouth, will. As was the case with John Kerry and his medals. And that small percentage may be enough sometimes to swing n election. Something those that continue to spread lies and innuendo in the media know all too well.