Maybe, but as noted before it's generally accepted that she needs to not just win those states, but win big. However, neither of the polls in the article you cited show her doing that.

Today, on This Week with George Stephanopolis, they noted that she needs to pretty much win 75% of the delegates from here on out and that's a very tough row to hoe for anybody in her position.

Basically, the wins you're talking about give her an opportunity to further fracture the party which, I guess, is good for the GOP.

In fact, I'm sure you've seen that Rush Limbaugh is telling his listeners to cross party lines and vote for her in Texas and Ohio because he sees wins by her as fracturing the Democrat party.

The pundits (David Brooks, George Will, Donna Brazile and one other) made a similar observation on "This Week," insofar as the idea that she is going to fracture the party if she keeps this up until the convention.