Another Clinton supporter attacked the delegate selection process. Mind you, the Texas delegate selection plan was submitted in August of 2007. On November 7, 2007, the Texas Democratic Party announced that the DNC had approved its delegate selection plan. And, the TX Democratic Party put the approved plan on its website. But now, suddenly, we're to believe that the plan sucks.

But, wait. The Clinton campaign has come up with a strategy, via Burnt Orange Report:

The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Clinton campaign training materials regarding Tuesday night's caucuses ominously advise supporters to take control of caucus sign-in sheets and vote tallies especially "if our supporters are outnumbered."

[Clinton caucus training material] goes on to say, "If our supporters are outnumbered, ask the Temporary Chair if one of our supporters can serves as the Secretary, in the interest of fairness*.

"The control of the sign-in sheets and the announcement of the delegates allotted to each candidate are the critical functions of the Chair and Secretary. This is why it is so important that Hillary supporters hold these positions."

Um, why is that? What do you plan on doing with those positions - in the interest of fairness, of course? ;\)

(*italics mine)