Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That's not an arguement she's making though. I'm making it.

Yes, but do you really think that's a persuasive argument on her behalf: that's she really no different or better than any other politician?

With Hillary's record (to give one example) of voting to go to war in Iraq, and then pandering to the anti-war Left when things were going wrong, and now absolutely refusing to acknowledge the success of the Surge... no, I think it can be argued she's not any different, in her attempts to get on the bandwagon of popular issues, and dump them when they get unpopular.

With Obama's record in the Illinois Senate, where on politically sensitive issues he voted "present" instead of "yes" or "no" over 100 times, to avoid looking like the socialist liberal he truly is, I think he doesn't have any high ground to allege he's any less of a pandering typical which-way-is-the-wind-blowing politician. Of the two, I think Hillary might be the more clever and gutsy of the two.

I'd really like to see Hillary stay in the race at least a few weeks more, where Obama might have to actually endure some real scrutiny, on a level playing field with Hillary.