I'm just surprised that MEM is so adamantly behind Clinton despite the fact that she continues to sink lower and lower character-wise.

I've received heat from Wonder Boy on account of the fact that Hillary has been orchestrating a lot of attacks. I disavow her vehemently because some if not A LOT of these attacks that can be traced directly to her doorstep, regardless if the right wing noise machine picks up the ball and runs with it. I wonder why you feel she is such a great candidate that you cannot similarly condemn or disavow her. THIS is not what the Democratic Party should be about.

Just this evening, the Canadian Government completely negated the story the Clinton campaign spread about Obama reassuring the CAN govt about Obama's comments about NAFTA just being lip service. That she spread this story in order to score points in NAFTA ravaged Ohio is despicable. It's a win at all costs mentality. And i'm sure no apology for spreading this crap will be forthcoming tomorrow.

and then this:

Rachel Maddow:

"This is what you say if you want to be McCain's choice for Vice President. It is not what you say if you are running for the Democratic nomination."

Keith Olbermann:



Olbermann did a good job of laying it out.

The LA Times also had a pretty good job on the disarray and finger pointing in Hillary's campaign and the tug of war and ego's in her camp. THIS quote was sort of telling:

How did the Clinton campaign get here?

The campaign also had trouble settling on a way to confront Obama. Top aides could not agree on whether, or how, to attack him.

"Why aren't we attacking him?" Bill Clinton asked at a high-level staff meeting Dec. 1 at the Clintons' Washington home, according to people familiar with events. With aides sitting around the dining room table, Bill Clinton said it was time to get more aggressive with Obama.

The following day, in Iowa, Hillary Clinton called a news conference to execute the strategy of questioning Obama's character. "Now the fun part starts," she said.

and even more telling:

Last month, after a series of defeats, Hillary Clinton chose a new campaign manager, replacing Patti Solis Doyle. But she left in place many senior people, including Penn and Ickes, who have been involved in incessant turf wars.

As the campaign faces a make-or-break moment, some high-level officials are trying to play down their role in the campaign. Penn said in an e-mail over the weekend that he had "no direct authority in the campaign," describing himself as merely "an outside message advisor with no campaign staff reporting to me."

"I have had no say or involvement in four key areas -- the financial budget and resource allocation, political or organizational sides. Those were the responsibility of Patti Solis Doyle, Harold Ickes and Mike Henry, and they met separately on all matters relating to those areas."

Howard Wolfson, the campaign's communications chief, answered that it was Penn who had top responsibility for both its strategy and message. Another aide said Penn spoke to Clinton routinely about the campaign's message and ran daily meetings on the topic......

Penn countered that the reason for many of her defeats, particularly in smaller states, had been a lack of organization, not the message -- a swipe at Henry and others in field work.

In the end, Clinton backed Penn. Henry left the campaign. And Clinton has been casting herself as someone in the "solutions business" -- a message she repeats as she makes a stand in Ohio and Texas.

The campaign dubbed her final weekend appearances in Texas and Ohio "Solutions for America" rallies.

" 'Solutions for America,' " one campaign aide said. "It sounds like something you'd buy at the pharmacy."

Mark Penn just sounds like a fucking asshole with a losing strategy and a vicious streak of self-preservation and finger pointing for his crap strategy. And this again speaks volumes about Hillary Clinton's judgement and character.

Again, MEM, how in the hell do you condone her? In good conscience?