Originally Posted By: whomod

It's really shameful that Hillary has turned into a right wing slime surrogate in her scorched Earth petulant campaign to get her due.

MEM, I still want to know why it's OK in your book for Hillary Clinton to weaken the Democratic Party for the Republicans. What makes her shameful behavior and ultimately on behalf of John McCain and the republicans, OK in your book? Do you, like Hillary think it's her "right" to win the nomination and Obama is just some interloper fucking things up?

Hillary never said it was her right to win or that Obama was some interloper fucking things up. I'm not a mindreader but I doubt she feels it's her "right" & out of the two of them she's been alot better at saying that whoever wins, the party will come together to back that candidate.

Hillary has every right to stay & fight to win though. She's a scrapper & I admire her for it. Right now she's hitting him hard but it's not anywhere as hard as he'll get hit in the general election against McCain if he wins the nomination.

Fair play!