Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I agree, MEM.

The inevitability of Obama being the candidate is just another case of the media making clear who their choice is, and pushing for him over Hillary.

That's just nonsense.

The right wing media is pushing for Hillary as is the so called "left wing" media. The only place that is mostly pro Obama is on the blogosphere and they routinely tally up CNN, ABC, NBC etc. etc's preferential coverage of Hillary.

The SNL clip you linked up is a case of Tina Fey's clear preference as a "femenist..

In her own words from Sunday's LA Times article about feminists being upset that women in general are drifting towards Obama.

Drift away from Clinton frustrates many women

Even "Saturday Night Live" got into the act when guest host Tina Fey expressed her outrage that feminists have deserted Clinton.

"We have our first serious female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton," said Fey. "And yet women have come so far as feminists that they don't feel obligated to vote for a candidate just because she is a woman. Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to."

Many women who support Obama say they were torn, but are unapologetic about their choice. For many, the decision turns on one vote cast by Clinton in 2002: for the bill authorizing President Bush to invade Iraq.

that's kind of a bullshit sentiment IMO. Voting for Hillary simply because she's a fellow female like Fey.