Well I think the press has been harder on Hillary than Obama but I know Obama supporters complain that it's really the other way. As WB said about the pundit talking about "nowhere for the momentum to go". This guy was basically parrotting Obama's spin. He wasn't alone either. I saw Obama's talking points as "news" everywhere I looked.

As for SNL, Obama made an appearence like Hillary did earlier on. While the skit was funny it was really nasty towards Hillary. She dressed as a princess for a costume party & everyone commented on what a nice witch costume she had. Everyone that is except for the hero of the skit. He shows up wearing an Obama mask (because he doesn't need to pretend to be someone else) He tells her what a nice princess costume! I'll admit it was funny but way biased towards Obama. At least when Hillary was on they didn't have to make her the good guy. She was willing to do some self depracating humor where Obama was not.

Fair play!