Obama's answer to the 3 am phone call is apparently that neither cnadidate is ready...

Clinton camp targets Obama adviser saying neither candidate ready for 3 a.m. call
David Edwards and Nick Juliano
Published: Thursday March 6, 2008

...Clinton distributed a clip of Obama adviser Susan Rice arguing that neither candidate would be ready for the type of 3 a.m. phone call Clinton portrayed in a recent ad. A cable host asked when Obama had been in the position to handle a similar crisis.

"He hasn't. And he hasn't claimed that he's been in a position to have to answer the phone at three o'clock in the morning in a crisis situation," Rice said on MSNBC Wednesday night. "That's the difference between the two of them. Hillary Clinton hasn't had to answer the phone at three o'clock in the morning, and yet she attacked Barack Obama for not being ready. They're both not ready to have that phone call."

Clinton's response...
"With one of his top foreign policy advisers acknowledging yesterday that he is not ready to take the 3am call ... Senator Obama’s time would be better spent making the case for why he can do the most important job in the world just three years out of the state senate," read the campaign release.


I think Obama needs a new foriegn policy adviser!

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2008-03-07 12:38 AM.

Fair play!