Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Hillary wasn't caught secretly telling Canada to never mind her anti-NAFTA rhetoric where Obama has been. Much of his appeal is that he's somehow different from the politics as usual.

According to the Globe and Mail, she did:
  • The conversation turned to the pledges to renegotiate the North American free-trade agreement made by the two Democratic contenders, Mr. Obama and New York Senator Hillary Clinton.

    Mr. Brodie, apparently seeking to play down the potential impact on Canada, told the reporters the threat was not serious, and that someone from Ms. Clinton's campaign had even contacted Canadian diplomats to tell them not to worry because the NAFTA threats were mostly political posturing.

    The Canadian Press cited an unnamed source last night as saying that several people overheard the remark.

    The news agency quoted that source as saying that Mr. Brodie said that someone from Ms. Clinton's campaign called and was "telling the embassy to take it with a grain of salt."