Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
... it's sounding increasingly like Karl Rove is writing her anti-Obama talking points.

Heh. In a certain bit or irony, Hillary is claiming that Obama is the one engaging in "right wing style" attacks.

That Rove must be really busy secretly working for both sides like this.

Hillary savages Obama.

Obama savages Hillary.

The New York Times savages McCain on unproven allegations about his relations with a female lobbyist, without a shred of evidence.

They, and the Whomods of the world, constantly rail on alleged "right wing tactics".

But it seems plain to anyone who is looking objectively at these incidents, that the only ones not using "right-wing tactics" are the actual right-wingers !

Ironic that "right-wing tactics" are a form of smear used exclusively by the left.