Speaking as a proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, there really isn't any consensus in the GOP as to who we'd rather face in November.

Some Republicans point to Hillary's high negatives and think she'd be easier to beat. Others look at the Obama's radical left wing voting record and "alleged" Muslim background and think he would be easier to beat.

You also have the "Limbaugh wing," that thinks the longer the two duke it out for the nomination, the more fractured the party will be in the general election, while others think that this only increases the chances of a "unity ticket."

Personally, I think trying to read the tea leaves this early on is a dangerous game. Opinions can change and a candidate whose party thinks is unbeatable this early out (John Kerry and Al Gore being recent examples) can end up losing in November while a candidate that most people think of as a lightweight (Bush Jr and Bill Clinton) can come from behind to win.

With that being said, it seems to me that the GOP would be better off building up their own candidate, especially one with a strong resume like McCain's, instead of trying to set up the other party's candidate for failure.