However, her remark disregards a few things:

A) Nowhere near as many blacks would have voted for Hillary had her last name not been Clinton.

B) Nowhere near as many liberals of any other race would have voted for Hillary had her last name not been Clinton.

C) There are a lot of people who, though they won't necessarily say it, would not and will not vote for Obama because he's black and because of his name.

D) It disregards the idea that, perhaps, the black people who are voting for Obama are doing so not for his race, but because he has satisfactorily addressed issues we individually deem important.

The remark reeks of old time, "the only reason you ever made it is because you're black" racism, the kind that assumes that black people don't have the credentials. It's sickening, and if the tables had been turned, if women had come out in droves to vote for Hillary and one of Obama's people had said something similar about her, you best believe this woman would cry sexism.