Originally Posted By: the G-man
...sexist...Folks like Chris Mathews can say Hillary Clinton is only where she's at because her last name is Clinton.

Well, it's true that she's where she is beacause of her last name.

However, it has nothing to do with sexism or her gender.

How many other people could move into a state a few weeks before an election and get elected to the U.S. Senate? You pretty HAVE to be a celebrity and/or part of a famous political family (see, eg, Bobby Kennedy). In fact, the Kennedys have made something of a cottage industry of moving into other states to run for political office on their name. In this regard, they aren't particularly different from the Bush family I might add.

Does this mean any of these people (Clinton, Kennedy, Bush) are wholly unqualified for political office? No. But at the same time, being part of a famous family gives them the leg up to get elected in situations where someone else wouldn't have even gotten nominated.

Hillary however was & has been part of the Clinton team. She's been there working all along campaigning for her husband & played an active role in the White House. She didn't just win the sperm lotto like Bush Jr. did. She was an integral part of making Clinton a politically bankable name.

Fair play!