From The Daily Kos: More Hillary Clinton and The Democratic Leadership Council shenanigans.

I've been concerned for a while that the Obama/Clinton contest is becoming a surrogate battle between the Dean and McAuliffe wings of the DNC. It is a battle between those that believe in the "important states" vs. "the other 40", between DLCers and DFAers, between an addiction to corporate/special interest money and those that believe that small donors in vast numbers are democracy at its most powerful.

What I read in the NYT today, makes me concerned that McAuliffe and those that he represents are trying to ambush Dean using Clinton donors.

The NetRoots helped Dean get where he is today. With the DNC coffers very low right now, he is under attack.

Today, the NYT has run a piece about Clinton donors complaining to the DNC about how they are handling the FL delegate dispute with at least one large donor demanding his donation be returned. Behind the ambush is none other than McAuliffe:

About 250 top fund-raisers for Mrs. Clinton met Wednesday in Washington. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton campaign’s chairman and a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, encouraged the donors to pick up the phone and call party leaders, as did Mrs. Clinton.

As we all know, money talks and the Clinton donors are leveraging their donations to settle this dispute in a way that can help their candidate:

Pushing to seat the Florida delegates, at least one top Clinton fund-raiser, Paul Cejas, a Miami businessman who has given the Democratic National Committee $63,500 since 2003, has demanded Democratic officials return his 2007 contribution of $28,500, which they have agreed to do....

Christopher Korge, a Florida real estate developer who is another top fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton, held an event last year in his home that brought in about $140,000 for the national party, which was set aside in a special account for the general election battle in Florida. But he told committee officials this week that if Florida’s delegate conundrum was not settled satisfactorily he would be asking for the money back.

The Clinton/McAuliffe wing of the party would like nothing more than to see Dean removed from the DNC, and frankly I see them using the fight over the seating of Michigan and FL delegates to be part of their attempt to bring him down in an fight about whose really has the power to make the rules in the Democratic Party.

When Dean first came to the power at the DLC, the NetRoots supported him with money bombs everytime he came under attack and when he stood up for the principles so many of us progressives believe in.

I believe it is time to shower Howard with some love once again in a language even McAuliffe understands.

Well, the netroots is helping fund Obama and now the netroots is going to bail out The DNC from hillary's attacks on it. Seriously though, what he fuck??? She's attacking the DNC?? Beause she's not geting her way?

I'm really getting sick of Hillary's crap. Fighting tough is welcome. Fighting dirty is not. Now, I'm starting to wonder if even a small portion of the past vilification of the Clintons wasn't justified. I mean, urging your donors, for all intents and purposes, to blackmail the Democratic party? In essence, telling your donors that if you can't be the nominee then the Democrats should lose the election? (And that's exactly what's happening. Hillary wants the DNC to seat the delegates from the non-election that happened in Florida after the state willfully violated DNC rules, knowing full well what would happen if they did. Now Hillary wants all those delegates seated, from the non-election, so she can steal the election from Obama). Is it any wonder that 25% of Hillary's supporters say they won't support Obama in the general election? Hillary is the one telling them that they shouldn't support Obama, that they shouldn't support their own party. Howard Dean should tell Hillary Lieberman stop her crap, now, or resign from the Democratic party. Contrary to Her Majesty's thinking, there are other Democrats worthy of leading our country. Read more about Hillary's latest attempt to steal the election, from the NYT.