Originally Posted By: whomod
As we all know, money talks and the Clinton donors are leveraging their donations to settle this dispute in a way that can help their candidate:

Pushing to seat the Florida delegates, at least one top Clinton fund-raiser, Paul Cejas, a Miami businessman who has given the Democratic National Committee $63,500 since 2003, has demanded Democratic officials return his 2007 contribution of $28,500, which they have agreed to do....

Christopher Korge, a Florida real estate developer who is another top fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton, held an event last year in his home that brought in about $140,000 for the national party, which was set aside in a special account for the general election battle in Florida. But he told committee officials this week that if Florida’s delegate conundrum was not settled satisfactorily he would be asking for the money back.


Whomod could you kinda see where if a person has donated so much to the DNC & then not have their votes count, they would be a little pissed? Obama may end up being the democratic nominee of the 48 states that got to count but McCain will be the winner of the 50 state general election.

Fair play!