Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

Obama ``ain't rich and he ain't privileged,'' Wright said. ``Hillary fits the mold.''

After reading this I feel bad for whomod, and Wendsday, knowing how incensed they were about Geraldine Ferraro's remarks about Obama's race playing a role in the candidacy, I know it will pain them to see that Obama's spiritual leader said this. But knowing they are honest, and unbiased, I look forward to the same rhetoric they spilled at Hilary for her campaign staff member.

Well who can really claim (and be believed) to be unbiased? I do think it's funny that Obama's campaign & supporters milked Ferraro's comments for all they were worth, being about divisive as you can be because it benefitted their guy. Now I hear the Obama campaign wants to get back to the issues! This guy is no different than any other politician. He went to Chicago's biggest black church when it benefitted him & now dissavows stuff once it's a liabillity.

Not sure what the fall out is going to be for Obama on this one. He can still definitley win the nomination but I think it makes him unelectable for the general election.

Fair play!