Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
a lot of blue collar people that work for me changed their votes the night before election when they found out Obama was double talking with Canada, i'm sure Monday there will be even more suspicious of how he attended that Church all those years and didn't hear the hatred being preached.

the more you find out about him, the more you see he's just another politician, of course i figured it out from the beggining but it's taking others a little longer to come around...

So how do you feel about McCain being endorsed by John Hagee? Or do only Democrats need to answer for the inflammatory remarks of pastors?

One thing is certain though, this tactic pretty much shows that the 'Obama is secretly a Muslim' whisper campaign was a bust.

McCain Courted Hagee for at Least a Year

So does John McCain think Catholics are part of the great whore of Babylon? If Obama needs to answer for Trinity UCC’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright, then this clip — immediately following video of McCain’s praise for Hagee and pictures of their joint appearances — ought to be broadcast on an endless loop on television stations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other heavily Catholic states from now until November.