He said the same thing about his white grandmother and her anti black views too. He said you accept people while not agreeing with heir negative views. And this pastor has been like family to Obama.

You'd have him throw Wright under the bus for mere political expediency and to sate some racial score. Obama chose to place Wrights comments in their proper social context while soundly rejecting them.

Andrew Sullivan: "I have never felt more convinced that this man's candidacy - not this man, his candidacy - and what he can bring us to achieve - is an historic opportunity. This was a testing; and he did not merely pass it by uttering safe bromides. He addressed the intimate, painful love he has for an imperfect and sometimes embittered man. And how that love enables him to see that man's faults and pain as well as his promise. This is what my faith is about. It is what the Gospels are about. This is a candidate who does not merely speak as a Christian. He acts like a Christian."