G-Man, the fact that McCain made identical remarks on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show as well makes it clear McCain was not guilty of simply a "slip of the tounge" What’s more, McCain corrected himself only after Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) “stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate’s ear.”

A video by CNN shows that McCain repeated the inaccurate claim twice during the same press conference, bringing his total number of "slips of the tounge" to three.

I don't want to open the door to allegations of age discrimination (or to allegations of defending McCain in some way, for that matter), but it did cross my mind that these mistakes could also be products of age. The travel and time schedules of a presidential campaign are brutally taxing even for the sprightliest of contenders. McCain's 71. They don't call them senior moments for nothing. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying it's possible he misspoke rather than really didn't know. I do, however, think the juxtaposition of age is going to be BIG come the general election - especially if Obama wins the democratic nomination. In case you missed SNL this weekend, even they hit on the issue in a skit that declared McCain officially "crazy old." (If I can find a clip online, I will be happy to post it. Haven't had luck unearthing it yet.)