Originally Posted By: the G-man
  • The support of superdelegates could land Hillary Rodham Clinton the Democratic nomination for president, but a new poll suggests most voters would be unhappy with that outcome and some likely would punish her in the general election.

    By a 55-37 percent margin, Democrats and left-leaning independents surveyed for a USA Today/Gallup poll over the weekend said a Clinton win through the help of superdelegates would be "unfair" and "flawed."

    One in five said they would not vote for Clinton in November if that's how she won the nomination.

    More than a quarter of self-identified Clinton supporters and 77 percent of Obama supporters deemed such an outcome unfair.

Since neither candidate can win without the help of superdelegates the poll seems poorly worded. In any case I would agree if at the end of the day, Obama had the most delegates & the popular vote it wouldn't go well for the party nor be a good win for Hillary. However if Hillary wins the popular vote it won't matter if Obama has a couple more delegates than her. Superdelegates would be voting against what the majority wanted to support Obama.

Fair play!