Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Er Whomod, you are aware that Obama's senate vote concerning Iraq is virtually identical to Hillary's & his thin record doesn't contain much in the way of showing that he's any different from other politicians?

Yes, but Hillary's record shows that despite being against the Iraq war, she cast 2 votes authorizing Bush to do just that while abdicating Congress' role in making that decision. Yes, to you that is simply one (or two) votes, but that vote is pretty much the central issue of our time. And she showed remarkably poor judgement. As she claims about Obama, speeches are nice but speeches aern't decisions. In her case though, speeches are about the only thing she does. Taking decisive action against Bush's abuses of power or bad descisions are another matter entirely.

She's also against No Child Left Behind despite having also voted FOR it. etc. etc.

Being Anti-NAFTA despite having helped Bill campaign for it.

She's good at the rhetoric but when it comes down to actually challenging, she plays it politically safe. As do a lot of Congressional Democrats fairly enough, but that's the challenge for the Democratic Party. To rid ourselves of these timid calculated milquetoast DLC Democrats.