Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
Just saw Obama's speech in Philadelphia. "Perfecting the union."

I disagreed with his comments about the wrong of sending jobs overseas. But otherwise it was inspiring, unifying and ever-hopeful. You people will be extremely fortunate if you get him for President.


"That was the most sophisticated speech on race and politics I've ever heard," said CNN's Bill Schneider, the only network pundit who actually has taught American political history at elite universities.

It was all the more remarkable because, while Kennedy presided over what may have been the greatest speech-writing team in electoral history, Obama -- like Lincoln -- wrote his address himself, completing the final draft Monday night.

The speech is being compared to speeches by your greatest presidents. And so, sorry, what's your point?

Not that I'm characterizing you as a full time speech critic, but I remember some comments being made by you about politicians and double-speak; I believe it was in the "It's not About Oil of Iraq" thread. The fact that you are not able to see through Obama's song and dance after being so critical of such things (or are able to and are simply giving him your nomination for prez as a wordsmith) is really sad.

Something else to note: The only reason that any speech from one of our greatest presidents is remembered is because of their actions as presidents. Do you really think their speeches would be so memorable if they were crappy Commander and Chiefs? Then there's the fact that more renowned speeches in US history are hailed as being philosophically and morally profound; Obama's speech is politically reflective in nature and is in regards to controversies that surround him.

Last edited by Pariah; 2008-03-21 7:11 AM.