Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah there's alot of Obama supporters who want to declare that Hillary can't win mathmatically. Her lead in PA keeps growing though & she's now beating Obama in national polls since the Wright ordeal. Huge landslide wins for her are not out of the question. And if she doesn't quite make it but it's clear that voters changed their mind about Obama, well I don't think it's quite in the bag for him either.

It doesn't matter. Everyone knows she's going to win PA. that is not some "proof" of her having a chance. It's just more proof that even if she does well, she still can't catch up to Obama's delegate count.

I swear your incessant spin makes me feel like if i'm chatting with Mark Penn or Bill Clinton!

The only thing people are waiting for is for the rest of the big Democrats to support Obama as Richardson just did and thus pressure her to drop out of the race and stop trying to sabotage the Democratic Party out of petulance..

and oh, ....'The Fact Checker' at The Washington Post catches Hillary outright lying about her trip to Bosnia .

100% outright lie. She claimed that there was no welcoming ceremony because it was too dangerous, sniper fire was everywhere, she had to run for cover.

Not so much.

In the photo below, Hillary heroically strangles a Bosnian sniper who was about to play checkers with Chelsea. Seriously, read the caption, which quotes Hillary's description of the scene, then check out the photo of the actual scene.

She's doing pretty much what all First Ladies do. But to her, she's Mata Hari living a life of intrigue and danger on missions for The United States on behalf of her husband.