Originally Posted By: the G-man
This actually ties in with a theory I'd had for a while, namely, that: if Hillary isn't able to steal the nomination from Obama she might work against him (secretly if nothing else) in the hopes of running in 2012.

It's not really a theory but just an accusation that you & others will doubtlessly charge her with reguardless of the facts on the ground.

As for this race, Hillary is not in any capacity to steal the election. The rule book allows for the party to strip two states that Hillary won of their delegates & it also allows for superdelegates to vote anyway they want. Obama has no problem trying to get superdelegates to support him even if their from states that he lost to Hillary. Did he steal them? No, we all recognize that their free to chose. Yet it seems that their supposed to act differently when it comes to Hillary. In her case their supposed to look at who has the most pledged delegates.

And they only matter because neither candidate was able to get past the magic number of pledged delegates to win the nomination. Another rule lots of people either forget or don't want to talk about because it doesn't help Obama win.

Fair play!