Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
superdelegates will know that Obama has virtually no chance of winning the general. They might still give it to him anyway & to be honest at this point the nomination is so tainted Hillary might be better off waiting for the next one.

Says MEM a month later.

That's only my guess Whomod. Obama still has plenty of time to show he can win the general & a month from now you can laugh at my prediction. However if it does end up being a case where it's pretty clear that he can't win do you think they should give it to him anyway?

I guess no matter what happens the party really needs to relook at its rules. It's been personally sad to see us go from every vote counts to the nomination probably hinging on two states being stripped of their delegates. While Hillary's attempts at getting those states a chance to revote can be looked at self-serving, she's still right. Obama not supporting revotes were just as self-serving & very much wrong. His idea of dividing delegates to give himself support that he never received from an election is truly stealing in my book.

Fair play!