Originally Posted By: the G-man
Obviously, the level of involvement with Wright is much more minimal with Clinton than Obama.

However, it's still with Wright (as opposed to another controversial minister).

Therefore, it becomes much more difficult for Hillary to criticize Obama for his actions towards Wright, insofar as the Clintons also reached out to Wright.

But G-man, you're playing like if Wright is some heinous monster that is an aberration. A lot of black people do talk like that. Just like a lot of white people talk about neighborhoods not being nice anymore if a minority moves in.

Honestly when I heard Wright talk, it really wasn';t as shocking as a lot of the media play it out to be. i hear that sort of talk all the time in Compton. I even get a lot of the receiving end of hostility routinely because I'm perceived as "the man", a figure of authority that must instantly be challenged and must be against the person aiming their ire towards me. It's all par for the course.

Just like it's not shocking to hear people whisper and ask me if blacks or Mexicans live in these apartments in my other job as manager of my building. People also do that in confidence when they mistake me or my wife as white.

Things like that really don't faze me because it's part of a lot of people's nature. To talk different when they're in confidence amongst their own.

So white people think it's shocking that some blacks think the Govt. created AIDS. Well, it's not that far fetched to people that still remember th Tuskegee experiments which aren't some wild conspiracy theory. In fact I seem to recall an episode of Montel that touched on that years ago, wild conspiracy or otherwise. So to think this comes out of the sick diseased mind of Rev. Wright is fooling yourself just as it'd be fooling yourself to think that only 1 or 2 crazy preachers think 9/11 and/or Katrina was retribution for sin.

Shit, just yesterday I heard my preacher say this nation was in decline because of sin and Iraq won't be won because the bible says there won't be peace in the middle east until Jesus returns..

That could be either right wing or left wing, anti-American or notright there depending on how you read into it.