Originally Posted By: whomod
A lot of black people do talk like that. Just like a lot of white people talk about neighborhoods not being nice anymore if a minority moves in.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
And when a white man says it in public, he's demonized. The left attack and want him fired, humiliated, and ostracized. Don't be whiny when the other shoe finally drops.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wel then that's fine. Take your pound of flesh with Pastor Wright. but you want to tar Obama by association. That's be like me calling YOU a racist because you like hanging out here and agreeing with Wonder Boy and Pariah a lot of them time. So naturally that must mean you agree with Pariah saying Mexicans are worthless and blacks were too stupid and lazy to save themselves during Katrina.

Or not. Which is my point. You can hang out with people who hold racist tendencies and not necessarily be a racist just because you do so.

The problem, whomod, is that you keep trying to minimize the Obama/Wright relationship into something much less than it is.

Even if we assume that WB and Pariah are racist, your analogy fails. Doc hasn't hung out with them for twenty years and he doesn't (as near as I can tell) treat them as long time advisors.

Obama did that with Wright. Their relationship is much closer than Docs and WB/Pariah's. And it's surely closer than yours to Axl Rose.

Furthermore, while I've said there was a lot of good in Obama's speech, the fact that he's still trying to have it both ways on the race issue is starting to make him dig a big hole for himself. Because he's afraid to flatly reject Wright (as if he could after twenty years of close contact), in order to justify Wright's rantings, Obama is coming dangerously close to Sharptonesque race baiting more and more, as he makes comments about whites and about injustices in our society that make him sound whinier and whinier.