Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Whats a DLC Democrat?

The Democratic Leadership Council. Ironically and thankfully a group that tried to wrangle Obama in during his '06 speech by implying he was with them but Obama soundly rejected.

The DLC's mission is to erase the last vestiges of social democracy from the Democratic Party, so that the corporate consensus will never again be challenged in the United States. Acting as a Republican Trojan Horse in the bowels of the Democratic machinery, the DLC claims the "real" party lives somewhere off to the right, where George Bush dwells, and that minorities, unionists, environmentalists, feminists, men and women of peace - virtually every branch of the party except corporatists - must be purged or muzzled.

If you can dig up that Carville video I posted last night, that is essentially what had Carville's panties in a bunch. That Dean's Democrats were honest to goodness Democrats and that Dean didn't funnel money to his corporatist DLC branch of the Democratic party as has been the case for the past Democratic Party losing decade.

Basically I see these fucks as Republican in Dem clothing.

oh, BTW.....

Connecticut paper apologizes for endorsing Lieberman in 2006