Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So Obama lied about sending someone to Canada to reassure them about his NAFTA rhetoric. Politician pad, exagerate & lie.

I wouldn't be bringing that up if I were you. Especially in light of the fact that it was later revealed that it was in fact CLINTON who reasurred the Canadians and not Obama. But if you want to walk around beleiving Hillary's own spin, considering she now has a BIG credibility problem, that's your own delusion, I guess.

One story ">out of Toronto today seems to confirm that the conservative Prime Minister's very conservative chief of staff started the ball rolling by telling reporters that Clinton aides -- not Obama -- had provided assurances that the rhetoric was hotter than the reality.

A lot of murk on how it shifted to Obama. But there's also a theory percolating that the story -- really, a pretty unusual invasion of domestic politics by a foreign government -- was "a bum rap cooked up by Canadian rightwingers" to hurt Obama and produce a long slog that will help the GOP.

Y'know, MEM, it's really sad that you seem to be blindly for the candidate that would deceive and mislead you and who's rhetoric is in stark contrast for what she's campaigned and voted for..

Hillary's NAFTA Lie
Clinton Distortion Kills Her Credibility on Trade Policy

March 22, 2008

by John Nichols.

What is the proper word for the claim by Hillary Clinton and the more factually disinclined supporters of her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination - made in speeches, briefings and interviews (including one by this reporter with the candidate) - that she has always been a critic of the North American Free Trade Agreement?

Now that we know from the 11,000 pages of Clinton White House documents released this week that former First Lady was an ardent advocate for NAFTA; now that we know she held at least five meetings to strategize about how to win congressional approval of the deal; now that we know she was in the thick of the manuevering to block the efforts of labor, farm, environmental and human rights groups to get a better agreement. Now that we know all of this, how should we assess the claim that Hillary's heart has always beaten to a fair-trade rhythm?

Now that we know from official records of her time as First Lady that Clinton was the featured speaker at a closed-door session where 120 women opinion leaders were hectored to pressure their congressional representatives to approve NAFTA; now that we know from ABC News reporting on the session that "her remarks were totally pro-NAFTA" and that "there was no equivocation for her support for NAFTA at the time;" now that we have these details confirmed, what should we make of Clinton's campaign claim that she was never comfortable with the militant free-trade agenda that has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of union jobs, that has idled entire industries, that has saddled this country with record trade deficits, undermined the security of working families in the US and abroad, and has forced Mexican farmers off their land into an economic refugee status that ultimately forces them to cross the Rio Grande River in search of work?

As she campaigns now, Clinton says, "I have been a critic of NAFTA from the very beginning."

But the White House records confirm that this is not true.

Her statement is, to be precise, a lie.

When it comes to the essential test of the trade debate, Clinton has been identified as a liar - a put-in-boldface-type "L-I-A-R" liar.

Hillary sure seems to have trouble saying the truth, eh MEM? But now that you know what a DLC Democrat is, it stands to reason. THIS is what they do. Stoke the base with empty rhetoric but vote for their corporate donors.