MEM. You might want to tune into Hardball right now. MSNBC is calling her a liar on NAFTA opposition and an idiot for her indignation a while back over Obama's mailer pointing it out and are backing it up with the documentation. Believe me, I'll post that video as soon as it becomes available.

Hillary is a LIAR!!

As I've said repeatedly.


The Hillary supporter was unny. Every evidence touted he dismissed by ignoring and then spun furiously about 'looking forward an not back'. In other words, ignore the concrete and documented evidence of Hillary's support for NAFTA from day one and instead believe her rhetoric about wanting to change it.

I dunoo.. you got mad when I suggested a cult of personality but it really bugs me when people brush aside concrete evidence about someones record and instead tell you to believe the campaign's spin instead.

Last edited by whomod; 2008-03-25 10:21 PM. Reason: additional response