Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So I guess it comes down to, for me, what Obama proposes is calm, rational, and vaguely assuring, but I just don't have confidence in the few details I've heard from him. Beginning withdrawal from Iraq while things are just beginning to stabilize doesn't sound as rational to me as McCain's commitment to stay as long as we are needed.

There is no silver lining in the increased violence. Last week, Gen. David Petraeus said the military “progress in Iraq is fragile” and “tenuous. As it's been ever since "Mission Accomplished" and frankly, American's are against this war precisely because we've had 5 years of rosy pictures painted and promises not delivered and wait 6 more months and see. Year after year after year. Enough!

And Obama's proposal to withdraw, and leave potential chaos in Iraq to grow, and spread to neighboring Arab nations, is a rational alternative?

I think not.

As Powell said, "you break it, you own it". We took on that responsibility, and we can't just abandon those who supported us among the Iraqis to be slaughtered.

It's contemptible to me how you want the U.S. to give up at every turn, at the slightest sign of adversity. If you had your way, Iraq would be a hub for Al Qaeda now, spreading terrorism throughout the Middle East and Europe. Now that Al Qaeda had fled Iraq, it will be easier to fight the disruptive element led by Muqtada Al Sadr, or to negotiate terms for them to lay down their arms.