Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

It's contemptible to me how you want the U.S. to give up at every turn, at the slightest sign of adversity. If you had your way, Iraq would be a hub for Al Qaeda now, spreading terrorism throughout the Middle East and Europe. Now that Al Qaeda had fled Iraq, it will be easier to fight the disruptive element led by Muqtada Al Sadr, or to negotiate terms for them to lay down their arms.

Well that's been the problem all along. This tendency to conflate anything going on in the middle east as being related to "al Queda" and 9/11. Al queda/foreign fighters is only a presence, although arguably a small one compared to the real problem which is civil war, because we invaded Iraq in the 1st place.

Yes yes, the damage is done. BUUUUT. As McCan has shown last week, the conflating of enemies you wish to attack with the "al Queda" bogeyman is still very much alive and well in the Republican party. That alone should disqualify them from further getting us into unneccesary wars while ignoring Osama Bin laden for another decade.