Obama's Release of Full Tax Returns Pressures Clinton (Update1)

By Julianna Goldman and Ryan

March 26 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama put rival Hillary Clinton on the spot by releasing his full tax returns and challenging her to do the same.

By disclosing his 2000-2006 returns earlier than is customary, the Illinois senator is forcing Clinton either to reveal details about investments by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, or to face more questions about what they aren't making public.

Obama's action ``makes a statement,'' said Joe Thorndike, who tracks presidential-tax returns at Tax Analysts, a Falls Church, Virginia-based publisher. ``They've clearly drawn some battle lines here with the Clinton campaign. Obama is looking for an edge in the openness front here, and I think he's successfully claimed it.'' ...

Clinton, 60, a New York senator, said yesterday that she would offer additional information on her finances ``within the next week,'' although she didn't say whether that would include full returns, or only a summary.

Hillary will probably claim that Obama is attacking her by doing this and then say that Obama has something to hide because he didn't release his 1999 tax return. Or she'll find a donation to MoveOn.Org and accuse him of promoting a " far leftist hate" site or something equally right wing sounding.