Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
This is crazy. The leaders of the Democratic Party need to end this disaster now.

I think it would be best if the process just plays out. It won't help Obama to have the nomination further tainted if the leaders look like their trying to shut down the process early to hand him the nomination.

I don't think that trying to blackmail DNC chair Howard Dean into seating the Florida delegates last week and now trying to extort Nancy Pelosi into giving her the delegates is going to endear her to superdelegates or party officials, much less the party rank and file and the electorate in general.

Then, over the weekend, having her surrogate, James Carville supposedly try to demonstrate how to intimidate superdelegates by calling them mean names of biblical proportions for siding with Obama, is the last desperate gasps of a dying campaign.

So if she thinks this is going to somehow sway the superdelegates with her antics, especially in light of the new poll numbers, she and her supporters are sadly deluded.

It's twilight in the Clinton campaign. Thank goodness.

heh. I love that video of her. She looked genuienly peeved that she got caught lying and had to admit to it and then tries to testily dismiss it and then flashed a canned fake smile as if she's somehow above it all. But fuck, even that looked rehearsed and handler prepared. The flippancy, then victimization, and then the teeth.

There's no way to look graceful having to admit you've been lying your ass off repeatedly about your Bosnian adventures in heroism.

I think we can all agree that dishonesty is not something we‘re looking for in a presidential candidate. And I think there is a troubling pattern here.

And this gets back to the whole message that Obama has been running on from the start, that we need to fundamentally change the way we do business in Washington, D.C. We need someone who has a different approach, who doesn‘t go and spin everything to absurd levels, as Hillary and her handlers seems to do. who‘s going to focus honestly on issues when they come up.

And I think this is a great opportunity for Obama to once again point out he‘s going to bring about that change. He‘s going to approach politics and issues honestly, not constantly try to spin them in a way that makes them unrecognizable from the truth.

She‘s ready on day one. Based on what, exactly? The experience has been greatly exaggerated.

And throughout this campaign what we‘ve seen from Obama is judgment, good judgment in difficult times as he stepped up and addressed the issue of race relations honestly and openly. That‘s the type of leadership you need to be ready to face a crisis on day one. Dishonesty isn‘t going to get you there.