At least 30% of Hillary donors who threatened Pelosi slept in the Lincoln Bedroom during Bill's presidency

It looks like some gifts just keep on giving. At least 6 of the 20 big Dem donors who are now threatening to exort Nancy Pelosi on behalf of Hillary slept in the Lincoln Bedroom while Bill and Hillary were in the White House. (I only have the list of who slept in the bedroom during four years, i.e., half, of the Clinton presidency. Some reporters need to ask the Clinton campaign if anyone else on this list slept in the Lincoln Bedroom.) You'll recall that some 831 or so special friends of the Clintons got to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom during four years of the Clinton presidency (that's about 4 a week, every week, for 4 years). You would think that this is the kind of bad publicity that Hillary's little band of extortionists wouldn't want. Well they're going to get it. Here's the list of big Dem donors who are now threatening the party if Pelosi doesn't cave to their demands and help Hillary - the ones in bold are Lincoln Bedroom guests, per CNN (CNN only has the list for 4 years):

Marc Aronchick
Clarence Avant
Susie Tompkins Buell
Sim Farar (CNN says a "Sym" Farar stayed in the bedroom)
Robert L. Johnson
Chris Korge
Marc Lasry
Cathy Lasry
Hassan Nemazee
Alan Patricof
Susan Patricof

JB Pritzker
Amy Rao
Lynn de Rothschild
Haim Saban
Bernard Schwartz
Stanley S. Shuman
Jay Snyder
Maureen White
Steven Rattner

Stoller also notes that nearly half of the group donated to Lieberman's Senate campaign. And i'm willing now to bet money that Lieberman will be McCain's VP nominee under the premise of being some bs "unity" ticket. But when you're a DLC Democrat, are you really representing real Democrats? And Lieberman, well, he's not even a Democrat anymore! Let's also not forget Hillary is really pumping up McCain's experience above her own parties front runner.

Some Democrats these DLC types are They get indignant when the party retakes the House and Senate and badmouth the Democratic front runner while praising the Republican opponent. then they try to extort and blackmail if the party doesn't coronate them over someone who actually has the grass roots soundly behind them.

What's more, Make no mistake, Hillary was behind yesterday's letter threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Your top donors don't make a public move like that against the top elected official in the House without Hillary's approval (and most likely, Hillary's coordination).

The thing is, Hillary has now moved beyond endangering the Dems race for the White House. She's now risking the Democratic House Majority.

The DCCC is the body responsible for electing and re-electing Democrats in the House. By getting her rich super-donors to threaten to stop funding the DCCC, Hillary is threatening to severely damage the Dems efforts to hold the House in the fall. If the DCCC doesn't have as much money, then every candidate the DCCC supports will get less money.

Ever single Democrat in the House, all 232 of them, are SuperDelegates. Perhaps it's time we asked those SuperDelegates who are supporting Hillary, and those who are undecided and inexplicably not choosing sides, whether they agree that it's appropriate for Hillary to threaten a boycott of the DCCC, effectively holding hostage every Democrat in the House.

Th only way I see this is going to be resolved NOW is for these superdelegates to pick sides ASAP! Before Hillary brings down the entire party in her lust for power.