Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

When Al Gore was running, he campaigned on the stump and told some guy in the midwest that he knows the farmer's plight because he grew up on a farm, and it turned out he's never lived on a farm. That hardly made a ripple in the news media, because Gore was their man.
And similarly the "invented the internet" thing.

um.. okaaay. Because you heard him he say that he invented the internet? Or did Pat Buchanan write that in one of his books?

In the case of Hillary and landing "under fire" in Bosnia, what does that really have to do with her experience in government or policy she's proposed or supported. It's just as irrelevant as Gore's remarks. Politicians all the time cozy up to voters and try to find ways to show they "understand", that they come from the same background, and that they're "on your side".

In the case of Hillary with the "under fire in Bosnia" anecdote, it's overkill by the media. It's finding the slightest vulnerability on Hillary's part, exploiting it to death, and manufacturing a scandal over nothing. All because this is a way for the media to tip the scales at a crucial point, and manipulate the election result, toward Obama, the candidate they clearly favor. blah blah blah blah. ad naseum.....

um.. because the media repeatedly brought up the being under fire in Bosnia story?

Oh, wait, it was Hillary who repeatedly said this.

Why? Oh yeah, because she wanted to prove her 'commander in chief qualifications and thought this tale of diplomatic derring do and heroism proved something about being more qualified to take calls at 3AM or something or having more composture and guts etc. etc. ...

But of course you, like Hillary try to spin it to absurd levels to where it's the media picking on her because it likes Obama and not because she's a liar padding her resume and not because SHE, not the media made it an issue/reason to be Commander In chief to begin with.