Bill Clinton is reportedly terrified that Hillary is about to officially lose Texas. You'll recall that the media declared Hillary the winner of Texas before it was actually over. Texas had a primary and a caucus, and Hillary only won the primary. The winner of Texas is decided by adding the delegates from both the primary and the caucus. Come this weekend, we should find out that Obama really won Texas. A NY Daily News reporter accidentally got invited to a private conference call Bill Clinton was holding today with Texas delegates. Seems the campaign is terrified that people may finally figure out this weekend that Hillary lost Texas.

March 27, 2008


Despite winning the popular vote in Texas, Hillary Clinton and her advisers are terrified that they’re about to suffer an Al Gore moment by losing in the pledged delegates race to Barack Obama beginning with county conventions on Saturday.

Enter Bill Clinton in a conference call this afternoon to cajole the rank and file to keep fighting for his wife.

“A race this close, every delegate counts,” the former president said in a hasty call with 960 Austin Dems who are backing her, which The Mouth of the Potomac listened to. “The turnout could literally give Hillary the support she needs to win the nomination.”

“We can still win this thing. We’re going to have a big victory in Pennsylvania. It’s going to change the psychology even further, but we need your help,” Clinton said.

About 88,000 county delegates will meet statewide in Texas on Saturday to thin the herd going on to the state convention, where they will divvy up 67 caucus delegates between Clinton and Obama, in addition to the 126 primary delegates already decided.

“I just have to ask you to try one more time to make sure we get the most out of our efforts to get as many of these 67 delegates as we can,” a seemingly exasperated Bill Clinton said in the call. “We just can’t sit it out or stay home - we cannot get tired.”

Clinton said that while his wife has done great in big primary states, “it’s the caucuses that’ve been killing us,” and added that her wins in Texas and Ohio have improved her polling in Pennsylvania and Indiana.