Hillary has always been expected to win Pennsylvania by 20 points (I'm sure the media will call it an "upset" when she finally wins what she's always been expected to win). But still, getting a Senator's endorsement (he's a SuperDelegate), especially when the Senator in question said he was going to stay neutral, is not small news.

"The endorsement comes as something of a surprise," Dan Pfeiffer, Obama deputy communications director, said in a statement. "Casey ... had been adamant about remaining neutral until after the April 22 primary. He said he wanted to help unify the party."

Very interesting that Casey felt the need to come forwards and "unify the party" - i.e., put an end to the ongoing nomination fight. Looks like Hillary has really damaged herself with the superdelegates by threatening the DCCC and by extension the superdelegates themselves. Hopefully this nomination fight will now be over sooner rather than later.