Obama's running around claiming that, if Wright hadn't retired, he would have quite the church.

However, it appears as if Wright's successor is cut from the same "hate AmeriKKKa" cloth:
  • "No one should start a ministry with lynching, no one should end their ministry with lynching," Moss said.

    "The lynching was national news. The RNN, the Roman News Network, was reporting it and NPR, National Publican Radio had it on the radio. The Jerusalem Post and the Palestine Times all wanted exclusives, they searched out the young ministers, showed up unannounced at their houses, tried to talk with their families, called up their friends, wanted to get a quote on how do you feel about the lynching?" he continued.

    The criticism surrounding Wright has not softened the services at Trinity United Church of Christ, where Obama has been a congregant for 20 years. Instead, Moss defiantly defended their method of worship, referencing rap lyrics to make his point.

    "If I was Ice Cube I'd say it a little differently--'You picked the wrong folk to mess with,' " Moss said to an enthusiastic congregation, standing up during much of the sermon, titled "How to Handle a Public Lynching."

Strangely enough, I still haven't heard about Obama quitting. Maybe he plans to give the church another twenty years, under Moss, to see if it cleans up its act.