Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I'm waiting for someone to put Obama's The View segment on YouTube. They played it on the radio and Hasselbeck actually went after him on the Wright thing while Barbara Walters and crew were telling Barack how sexy he was.

Elizabeth Hasselbeck: You transcended party lines in your 2004 Democratic convention speech. You speak of One America, but the man you chose as your spiritual advisor made awful comments, and yet you still affiliated with him.

Obama: Imagine someone compiled the 5 stupidest things you ever said, and then played them over and over again for weeks. (That is an excellent idea. I'm guessing Hasselbeck wouldn't stand up to that kind of scrutiny herself.) People are mixes of good and bad. I saw mostly the good.

I have all kinds of friends across the political spectrum. Part of my role in politics is trying to get people who don't agree to help understand each other.

I spoke to Rev Wright after this episode, and I told him I felt badly he's been characterized in this one way. But he was my pastor. I think people overstate his role as my mentor or spiritual advisor.

I realize I am running for President and the threshold is higher. I expect a high level of scrutiny. Hopefully people will see this in context.

This is as far as I got.

Do you actually think anyone here is going to rely on your memory again? You're as bad as hillary is. Remember the last time you pulled this kind of shit? Next thing you know you will be telling us that rich white people were shooting at hillary and her horse daughter.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.